Case Studies

Delta T Systems manufactures temperature control equipment to fit all process needs. It all started off with a design identity graphic and tagline to complement an existing logo. The "rainbow circle" represents the change in fluid temperature their equipment accomplishes. That same design identity was applied to multiple instances including: a contemporary Website Design, Pocket Folder with Inserts, Trade Show Display, Product Labels and Training Video.

As a manufacturer of pest control products Liphatech has to cater to different markets with different laws per state. Big and bold graphics portray their message not only to distributors but the farmers who use their products as well. Examples shown include: a "TV Dinner" Box Promo, Rebate Giveaway Flyers, Full-page Magazine Ads, 50th Anniversary Logo Concepts, E-blast and Social Media Ads and Product Photography.

Before I took over, the Overlooklakes Condominium Association had zero digital communication to owners. First and foremost was to create a User-friendly Website and get new and existing owners on board with a Welcome Packet. Ongoing communication is kept up with periodic E-blasts, Announcement/Event Slides and posting of Board Minutes. Property Photos and a printable Property Map are additional helpful materials.

It all starts with inspiration, a spark...an idea that blossoms into something bigger. Here are examples of multi-project work for clients.
Delta T Systems manufactures temperature control equipment to fit all process needs. It all started off with a design identity graphic and tagline to complement an existing logo. The "rainbow circle" represents the change in fluid temperature their equipment accomplishes. That same design identity was applied to multiple instances including: a contemporary Website Design, Pocket Folder with Inserts, Trade Show Display, Product Labels and Training Video.
As a manufacturer of pest control products Liphatech has to cater to different markets with different laws per state. Big and bold graphics portray their message not only to distributors but the farmers who use their products as well. Examples shown include: a "TV Dinner" Box Promo, Rebate Giveaway Flyers, Full-page Magazine Ads, 50th Anniversary Logo Concepts, E-blast and Social Media Ads and Product Photography.
Before I took over, the Overlooklakes Condominium Association had zero digital communication to owners. First and foremost was to create a User-friendly Website and get new and existing owners on board with a Welcome Packet. Ongoing communication is kept up with periodic E-blasts, Announcement/Event Slides and posting of Board Minutes. Property Photos and a printable Property Map are additional helpful materials.
Website Design & Development
Shown here are a variety of contemporary websites built on the WordPress platform. Every project was designed and developed by me completely from scratch.
JANA, Inc. is a company that supplies documentation services to the aerospace industry. I had the challenge of creating a large, full-screen design that wasn't like anything the client has seen before. Circle frames around main images is in harmony with their "Full Circle Solutions" interconnected concept.
Siepert is a small, local firm providing professional accounting, tax and financial services. They needed to make a large impact to their clients on a small budget. With a minimum amount of content the focus was on large graphics to encompass their messaging and services.
HM Product Solutions previous website design was at the end of its useful life. The content and messaging did not change, the presentation of that content received a well deserved facelift. Utilizing the purple color from their logo and brand new typography their web presence took on a whole new modern look.
Heartland Produce was expanding their state-of-the-art facility and needed their website to reflect this. A fresh look on other print materials was established and the website followed suit. Other improvements included a simpler menu system, brand new photography of their warehouse operations and an Instagram feed.
Manufacturing websites tend to look all the same, the goal of Delta T Systems was to stand out from the crowd. A clean uncluttered look fit the bill. The rotating circle, established as a key brand element, added a subtle amount of pizzazz without being distracting. Highlights include easy-to-manage Careers and Used Equipment modules.
Horner Plumbing was shifting their core business to focus on large commercial projects and needed a contemporary website design to match. A wealth of great photography is the forefront of their current and past projects. No other local plumbing website compares.
The Overlooklakes Condo Association was in desperate need to communicate digitally to its owners. A password protected Owner's only section is a “go to” place for important announcements, events, contacts, and resources. A Resident Database was created to manage tenant contact information.
Local folk art decoy carver Rodney Podd wanted to showcase his carvings and have an avenue to sell nationwide. The photos had to be the main focus. An easy-to-use editing interface was created to manage his extensive portfolio.
Colleen Horner Design Studio has a wonderful portfolio of top-notch kitchen and bath design projects. The website needed to showcase these projects and have a design to match the sophistication level. Outstanding, professional photography of their finished projects is the reason this website is "Remodeling Redefined".
Print Design
There is something rewarding of great design layout, typography, color and information hierarchy all coming together on a tangible printed piece of paper. Various print design projects include: Brochures, Flyers, Catalog Directories, Promotional Giveaways, Folders & Inserts, Trade Show Guides, Exhibits and Displays, Posters, Business Cards and Branding Documents.
Print Advertisements
Brand awareness is still a very important piece of a companies overall look. The more creative you can be, the more you will stand out from your competition. Examples are all full-page advertisements in trade publication and consumer magazines.
Liphatech was in a transition phase from product-specific advertising to overall brand advertising. These series of ads was a drastic change in look and creativity from previous ads.
The Wonderful World of Weddings advertises in some of Milwaukee's highest profile magazines. Each year their "Save the Date" series of ads draws in new traffic to their exhibit.
PIC Wire & Cable was advertising their new, modern product rebranding in a mom-and-pop publication. The concept was a creative way comparing how "in-flight entertainment" used to be.
Bushman advertises to a specific market in a specific trade publications. This ad focuses on the steel market rather than their specific products, opening the way for a clean, contemporary ad.
WB Warehousing brings a lot of things to the table that most trucking companies did not. The "Whole Enchilada" concept sets them apart from their competition.
Pope Scientific's distillation equipment outperforms their competition in every aspect. A creative headline tells that story in four simple words with final product dominating the upper half of the ad.
Digital Advertisements
With everyone connected all the time, Digital Advertising is a great way to get in front of a large audience in a short amount of time—all while trying to catch their attention in one quick glance. Bold colors, creative headlines and interesting photos lead the way instead of long form, explanatory paragraphs.
Liphatech launched a 50th Anniversary campaign, complete with a retro 1970's groovy style. Lots of giveaways and user engagement made the "celebration" a hit.
NABCO launched a new product that needed to be in front of their distributors in a hurry. An E-blast and LinkedIn campaign highlighted with a product video made this a reality.
Both Xact Wire EDM and Quantum Devices ran E-blast and Digital Ad campaigns with trade publishers. Since users are already opted in, both campaigns were successful in open and click-through rate.
Facebook and Instagram posts are the preferred platform for The Wonderful World of Wedding's target audience. Bright and bold weekly posts help drive up ticket sales and user engagement.
WCS Industries needed to be seen in multiple industrial markets. LinkedIn was the platform of choice to target specific job titles. Multiple campaigns were ran showcasing their wide variety if products.
Logos & Branding
The first visual impression a company or organization makes on their customers is 9 times out of 10 their logo. A clean, crisp uncluttered logo is essential to knock that first impression out of the park. Examples include: Organization, Band, Product, Anniversary, Event and Corporate Logos.
Noble Citrus wanted a "fresh" look to brand their boutique line of citrus products. Bright colors and bold shapes makes this easily recognizable in the produce aisle.
Milwaukee Flips Silverball Saturdays is a local pinball organization that needed an identity to brand themselves on hats, t-shirts and other promo items. Logo is styled off of an old pinball electromechanical pop bumper.
The Bronswik Affair is a local Milwaukee band whose name stems from a mockumentary from the 1970s where mind control through television is the theme. Created the "all-seeing eye" icon as an companion that worked so well as stickers and the back of a t-shirt.
Pearhead is a local Milwaukee band whose music has a downhome "sitting-on-the-front-porch" vibe and wanted a logo to match. Organic type, leaf, guitar headstock and pick blended perfectly together.
Hartwig is a boutique guitar amplifier builder ready to expand operations. Clever use of the heart and electricity icon turns their branding up to 11.
Greendale Gala is a brand new event to gain awareness for local Greendale businesses. A classy, elegant theme with a matching color palette is going to be memorable for years to come.
Marlin Technologies oddly enough is not in the fishing industry and needed a logo to show that. Purple and green color scheme stands out different than anyone else in their industry.
Liphatech was celebrating 50 years of their product Rozol and wanted to tie it to a groovy 1970's theme. Mouse icon was taken from the original 1972 product label.
WIMTS is a trade show event focused on modern industrial technology. The logo was originally created for a specific promotion and was so well received it ended up being the event logo.
PIC Wire & Cable rebranded their existing products into a memorable product line. Distinguishable icons and color scheme was carried throughout multiple projects and made the rebrand successful.
Video & Animation
With the ushering in of high speed internet connections video has become one of the most important tools for digital communication and entertainment. Social media outlets like YouTube and Tik Tok are immensely popular and have taken over traditional television and movie video experiences. Everything from brand promotion, new product introduction, training, services and commercials are just a click away.
NAVEO and Concorde New Media are great examples of brand promotion. Both are driven by an energetic soundtrack, bold images, bright colors and flashy animation. Videos were prominently shown on each website, YouTube channel as well as in sales meetings via a promotional video book.
NABCO was introducing a new hurricane rated sliding door to specific customers. Clever animation of the product opening for highlighted information and slo-motion testing footage are just a few of the elements to bring this together. Available in both the full 2 minute version as well as a shorter 30 second teaser version before actual product launch.
Quintron is a pioneer and market leader in the medical breath analyzer industry. A low-key, futuristic soundtrack and gentle voiceover glides the user through an overview of their company and services. Medical 3D animation and molecule background add nice accents to the overall message.
The Wonderful World Of Weddings advertises on local Milwaukee television stations every year. The challenge of this video is to get what you need to say in 15 seconds. Quick cuts and transitions support the professional voiceover and brand images.
Lightning Pick wanted to showcase their services as a new brand underneath the Matthews Automation umbrella. Matthews has a great logo to animate and is featured in the upbeat introduction and slide transitions. Animated bullet points and customer testimonials support the Lightning Pick brand.
Delta T Systems wanted an easy way to train end users how to start up their new hot oil circulator. This long form video us supported by a professional voiceover and text screens. Animated introduction screens with the Delta T "Rainbow Circle" graphic were added to help support the overall brand look. Video was distributed via a qr code in a printed manual.
Photography is defined as the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy (light) on a light-sensitive surface. The beauty of this art form is simple to do, extremely difficult to master. Anyone can take a picture, few can compose a photograph. Presented is a collection of various photography sessions including: Studio, Abstract, Product, Outdoor, Night, Black & White and Landscape Photography.
The inspiration behind design.that.rocks is about bold creativity, striking visuals, strong color palettes, expert typography and most important of all—capturing attention! design.that.rocks challenges the status quo, pushes all the right buttons, and leaves a lasting impression. Stand out from everyone else, put your competition to shame and generate excitement. T.REVdesigns has the expertise to take your brand to the next level of sophistication it deserves. Remember, it’s not just about looking good; it’s about creating memorable experiences that resonate and inspire.
About Trevor
I take pride in developing contemporary design for non-contemporary entities specializing in B2B industrial markets.
I am an easygoing personality that makes level-headed decisions based on facts, not on intuition. I prefer to do projects the correct way over a rushed one. I am a very organized individual always looking for the most efficient way to complete tasks. I manage multiple client accounts, some relationships well over 20 years.
Hobbies include:
- Listening to music with a love for local bands who write their own songs.
- Singing karaoke on Thursday nights.
- Playing in local pinball tournaments & classic video games.
- Cooking, especially outdoor grilling on the Weber.
- Watching all sorts of bizarre television shows and movies.
- Photography.