New Sites For A New HTTPS Era
Since GOOOOOOOOOOOGLE wants everything to be under an https protocol it was time to give a few sites a reboot. Here are a few that were finished up in the last month or so. A well known massage therapist located in Hales Corners. What did I learn with this one? Pre-built themes look good with pre-built content. ‘Nough of that. My personal collection of retro video games. What an exercise in programming…so little patience…so many scans. And this is just the start. bureaucracy. noun bu·reau·cra·cy \ byu̇-ˈrä-krə-sē , byə- , byər-ˈä- \. a system of administration marked by officialism, red tape, and proliferation. Once that was removed, a very nice site emerged. Community is king! Folk Art Fish Decoys and Wood Carvings from local carver Rodney Podd. Brand new look…So so so many fish. All of the photos might be done next year.
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